Make a Donation

The day-to-day upkeep and welfare of the tram horses and operation and maintenance of the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway presently are publicly funded by the Isle of Man Government in support of the Island's heritage and tourism offering.

The Heritage Trust raises separate charitable funds to support projects and initiatives that we believe will help:

We are an education and heritage conservation support charity.

Some of the ways in which education and heritage may be 'advanced' in the context of the operation of an historic horse tramway are described in About the Trust which also sets out our aims and objectives and highlights some of the initiatives that we've supported.

Donate Online 

You can make a donation online with a debit / credit card or PayPal account. Click on the Make a Donation button to open a secure payment gateway and follow the instructions. You can optionally choose a preferred donation purpose during the payment process. To view our privacy policy first, click here.

Donate in Person

Please visit the Booking Office at Strathallan / Derby Castle when the Tramway is operating. A member of staff will be pleased to direct you to our on-site donation collection box.